This is a place where innovative leaders from around the world meet to explore, document, and spread creative concepts, activities, and resources that are shaping a new way of talking and a new way of being as we adapt to a longer life span.
How can we be useful to ourselves, to each other and to our communities?
How can we remain independent and self-sufficient?
How can we keep on learning?
Where are we going to live in the long term?
Who will care for us if and when necessary?
The needs are pressing, the challenges daunting.
We of the older generations have what it takes to help ourselves, each other and our communities. We need to identify and share the wisdom and other strengths that we’ve gained from experience. We are living the longevity revolution in real time. We are both the actors and the producers.
Join us on this fascinating voyage of discovery and creation. Everyone is involved. Contribute your insights, experience and ideas. Help shape the new role history is prompting us to write.
Pass It On is a grassroots network* of adult thought leaders – a generation in progress – learning quickly and applying both old ways of outreach and new technologies to respond to the demands of aging through mutual support networks.
The Pass It On Network is an accredited member of the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing.
The Pass It On challenge is to see what’s happening and apply what’s meaningful…. and to enjoy meeting new people from all over the world along the way.
On this website, you will find innovative programs that you could adapt and replicate for little or no cost.
All of them encourage self-sufficiency… with a little help from others.
As seen under Pathways, Pass It On Network programs follow four paths, to:
Any organization or individual can be either a Program User, a Program Innovator, or both.
Program Users | Program Innovators |
Go through the list of tried and tested programs developed by Innovators around the world. Click on one that interests you to see a Program Description. If you want to try it, click on the Program User Form at the bottom of the description form and complete the online form that will enable us to connect you with more program information and the Innovators. | If you have a great program that meets the needs of your community and fits our mission and values, and you are willing to “Pass it on”, all you need to do is to complete the online Program Submission Form, or download and email if you prefer. We’ll review it and get back to you to complete the process before posting your program. |
“We Are the Ones”