Meet the Global Pass It On Network
A grassroots alliance of older people growing the potential for positive ageing
We are living the Longevity Revolution in real time! In 2013, the Pass It On Network founders, Moira Allan and Jan Hively (read their story) created this grassroots network so that older people everywhere could show others how they were finding ways to expand their interests and thrive while coping with the challenges of longer lives.
Since then, our global community has attracted age activists in nearly 70 countries, all of us engaged in discovering solutions to critical issues for older people worldwide. To learn more about us, join our monthly Open House held the first Tuesday of every month.
Monthly PIONeer Events
Join us for monthly online events. Find your local timezones here.
New to Pass It On Network and want to learn more!? We want to learn more about you too! Join us at our next Open House held the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 1pm ET and 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7am CEST for our Asia Pacific friends.
Meet Pass It On members from around the globe during our interactive online conversations held the 3rd Monday of every month at 1 pm ET. Each month we have a new presenter with an interesting topic to share. More details will be sent to you if you are a subscriber of our monthly newsletter.
Join our Global Connector
Meet and chat with other PIONeers.
In order to provide a welcome and secure experience we are developing a membership community. To join our Global Connector and all it has to offer, click on the “I Want to Join” button below.
As the Pass It On Network grows, so will the choice of activities. Our goal is to discover innovative, inexpensive programs, projects and ideas that generate and support active, productive, positive aging wherever they have been developed around the world, and to “pass them on” through our network for sharing and adapting. We scout the world to find out how our peers are contributing and what we can learn from each other and adapt to our circumstances.
Our perceptions about ageing affect quality of life as we grow old. Here, we provide information about trends and resources relevant to positive ageing building on our strengths and maintaining health and wellness.
Lifelong Learning
We are both teachers and learners all of our life. Here, we bring you programs and information on teaching and learning that expand access and respond to the needs and interests of older adults.
Community Support
There’s no better way to gain personal support for positive aging than with our peers who are sharing their experience. Here, you will find innovative guides to form mutual support groups and build on community assets.
Work & Economic Security
Work is more than employment, it is honing our skills and interests through a lifelong pattern of meaningful work. Find resources here that expand engagement and work opportunities.
Who doesn’t love to browse for inspiration, especially when you’re exploring a new stage of life? “Offerings” in our Global Connector are both from members of our community and curated sources. You will find free and low-cost resources to stimulate you and take you to another level. If you have ideas to “pass on” to your peers – articles, blogs, training courses – please send them here and we’ll contact you.
Your contribution is needed for us to connect positive ageing advocates around the globe by maintaining this website and spreading resources.
Your generous donation will be much appreciated.
Get Connected Globally
For more information, or to address any questions you may have, please contact Moira by completing the below form. Thank you!
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