“In 2007 the recordings are all on tape cassettes. Basically during 2007 we were all getting to know each other. At different sessions different participants brought up issues or discussed articles and books.
“Beginning in January 2008 I started to invite people to be a “springboard” for discussions. Guests in 2008 included: Bill Sadler (Third Age), Howard Stone (2Young2Retire), Donna Krone (Sacred space), Candy Spitz (discussion about Positive Aging Conference), Richard Leider (purpose project), Lin Schreiber (retirement), Donna Gunter (Marketing) Gayle Coleman (financial planner: discussed importance of movement), Catherine Fitzgerald (Sagience), Gillian Leitman (women and money) Helen Dennis and Bernice Brattner (The Renewment Project), Carleen MacKay (Ageless in America), Olivia Mellan (money issues), Jan Hively (meaningful work), Joan Ditzion (Our Bodies/Our Selves: Menopause and Beyond: Realities of Mid-Life Women), Sandy Davis (resilience) and Fred Mandell (the Creative Dilemma in the Third Age). Some of the SIG’s included these speakers and others were open for discussions about what each of us was doing.
“In 2009 guests included Kathy Burnett (TOYS: Tackle Organizing with your Strengths), Bob Fein (long term care planning), Candy Spitz (importance of connections), Denise Archie (coaching), Brian Kurth (Vocation Vacations), Howard Stone (Laughter Yoga), Jeri Sedler (Don’t Retire, Rewire), Jan Hively (meaningful work), Bill Sadler (Navigating Change), Gail Leibhaber (Positive Listening), Gina Odgen (sexuality as we age), people who attended the PAC and “brought it home” for discussion (we used a few sessions for conference discussions). Some of the SIG’s included these speakers and others were open to discussions about what each of us was doing.
In 2010 guests included Caroline Miller (How to Unlock your Dreams), Connie Goldman (aging and her life experiences as NPR Reporter on Aging), Sally Powers (changing employment dynamics in turbulent economy), Martin Diamo (creating Boomers Authority), Barbara Babkirk (Explore your Calling, Part 1), Rick Moody (The Five Stages of the Soul: Charting our Spiritual Life), Meg Newhouse and Roberta Taylor (Life Planning Network), Barbara Babkirk (Explore your Calling, part 2), Carleen MacKay (Plan B for Boomers, keep learning), Candy Spitz (Wake up Calls: Telling your Story), Barbara Babkirk (The Importance of Language), Gail Liebhaber and Sally Gelardin (Opening up the Egocentric Boomer), Kol Burke (Financial Planning: Moving from Survival to Significance), Alan O’Hare (Life Story Theater), Kathleen Burns Kingsbury Creating Wealth from the inside Out—in 2 parts), Ed Rogoff (Becoming your Own Boss after 50), Ed Merck ( Finding Purpose in 2nd Half of Life), Andrea Gallagher and Meg Newhouse (Life Planning Network and Positive Aging Conference). Some of the SIG’s included these speakers and others were open to discussions about what each of us was doing.
In 2011 guests included Connie Goldman and Alan O’Hare (Stories of Positive Aging), Kendal Dudley (Travel and Memoirs), Bruce Frankel (The Wisdom Paradox:Brain Development), Alan, Kendall, Ed Merck and Dori (the stories we tell ourselves), Jeannie Lindheim (Creativity)Ellen Good (Myths of Hospice) Dori Mintzer and Roberta Taylor (book launch: The Couple’s Retirement Puzzle), Bernie Saunders (Bridging the Transition Gap: Helping Adult Children and their Parents), Karma Kitaj (Thriving in the Third Age), Bev Scott (The 3rd Act and Convening), Carleen Mackay and Jan Hively (work in the 21st Century), Anita Hoffer (Sexuality as we age), Sara Zeff Geber (Fifty Plus without Kids), Kendall Dudley, Kit Hayes and Gene Burnard (Older Workers: Challenges/Need for Advocacy) , Betsy Werley (The Transition Networks Caring Collaborative), Bill Roiter (Life after work), Harry Margolis (Eldercare Attorney), Arline Kardaisis (Elder Mediation), Joe Politanto (Pros and Cons of Long Term Care insurance.,) and PAC review sessions.
In 2012 guests included Dick Goldberg (Coming of Age programs), Tammy Nelson (Sexuality—2 visits to SIG), Susan Trausch (former Boston Globe columnist: Groping Toward Whatever—Or How I learned to Retire (sort of), Kerry Hannon (What’s Next?), Sally Abrams (blogs on caregiving), Kendell Dudley, Alan O’Hare, Ed Merek and Dori Mintzer (Stories we tell Ourselves), Alan O’Hare (Positive Aging), Mike Bonacorsi (Financial Readiness for Retirement) Gary R. Jay ( launching of Remarkable and Real—Stories of 3rd Age Coaching), Jan Hively and Moira Allan (We are the Ones: The Pass it on Network), Viki Kind (Empowering Caregivers Making Difficult Decisions) , Joanne Waldman (Retirement Options), Kris Miller (Annuities), Fred Mandell (The Coach’s Studio), Karen Greer (SHiFT Midternship Program (combined with formal brainstorming), Bhaj Townsend (Financial Planner:5 Secrets to Building your Legacy), Kathleen Burns Kingsbury (financial services for/with women), Meg Newhouse (Legacy) Rita Foley (Rebooting your Life), Ruth Nemzoff (dealing with Adult Children and dealing with In-laws), Lynn and Josh Berrett (Music and Aging) Alan Spector and Keith Lawrence (The Retirement Quest), as well as open discussions.
In 2013 guests included Dan Rippey (online learning network), Bruce Frankel, Kendall Dudley and Fred Mandell (Creativity), Andrea Gallegher (The Cards we’ve been Dealt), Mark Singer and Sally Felton (The 6 Secrets to a Happy Retirement), Sandra Shuman (Creativity), Bruce Frankel (poetry of aging), Abigail Trafford (My Time) , Julie Shifman (Act Three), Jan Hively and Moira Allan (The Pass it on Network), Richard Fabozzi (Joy and Laughter), Jan Culliane (Behavioral Economics), Jan Hively (Work), Sally Felton (Decluttering—2 sessions), Bart Astor (Retirement Planning), Chuck Durant (co-housing), Poetry of Aging (2 additional sessions), Technology, (facilitated by Toni Jones) Kathleen New Rich (Plan B for Business) and open discussions.
In 2014 guests included Jan Hively and Carleen MacKay, Susan Bradley, World Café’s, Connie Goldman, Kathy Jordan, Olivia Mellan, Kathy Jordan on Lonliness, Toni Jones, Joen Sorenson, Ron Pevny, John Sorenson and Ron Pevny, Toni Jones, Health and Wellness, Career Playbook (Jan, Carleen and me), Liz Fideler, Jay Goldfarb, Doug Goldstein.
In 2015 the SIG’s met only one time a month and we predominately used the SIG to continue and deepen the conversation from the prior 4th Tuesday Interview with Expert’s Series. Follow-up to David Campbell’s talk (encore careers), follow up to Chris Farell’s talk (unretirement), follow up to Suzanne Braun Levine’s talk (gender differences), follow up to Jay Goldfarb’s talk (wisdom and longevity), follow up to Kim Poteiger (financial life planning), follow up to Helen Dennis’s talk (what’s new in aging), follow up to Alice Aspen March’s talk (the importance of attention), Follow up to Bob Weber and Carol Ornsborn’s talk (spirituality), follow up to Roger Landry’s call (with Connie Goldman—focusing on aging).
2016 we continued to focus on the presentations from the prior 4th Tuesday Revolutionize you Retirement Interview with Expert’s series. Follow up with Roger Landry (Live Long, Die Short), follow up with Mary Tyrell (Becoming a Memorist), follow up with Meg Newhouse (Legacy of the Heart), follow up with Mary Tyrell, follow up with Bob Weber, follow up with Bob Mauterstock focusing on “passing the torch:conversations with our adult children”, follow up on Rick Moody’s talk (dreams in second half of life), Greg finch joined us to continue the conversation about National Center for Creative Aging, Tom Kottke’s joined us to continue the conversation about health and wellness and aging, we focused on Bill Sadler’s talk about Aging and the Life Portfolio, Viki Kind joined us to continue the conversation about caregiving, Alan O’Hare and Hyppolite joined us to talked about Memory and Storytelling (part focused on Hyppolite’s experiences in Rewanda), we continued the conversation after Dana Steinova’s presentation on memory and Lynne Berrett shared her training with Cynthia Green’s Total Brain Health program and how she’s developed a Total Brain Health Program for her Second Life Platform, Connie Goldman joined the call about aging, we had a follow up discussion on George Scofield’s call (The Changing Landscape of Retirement), and had other open discussions.
In 2017 we started sharing goals and setting intentions for 2017, follow up with group on Mitch Anthony’s presentation (Retirementality and the Changing Landscape of Retirement), follow up with Moira Allan, Dieter Zwicky and Lynda Smith re: The Pass it On Network), Helen Dennis, Jan Hively, Joan Ditzion, Ruth Palumbo and Phoebe Van Ham (Bringing the ASA Conference home), and then on May 2nd, the 10th Anniversary of the Boomers and Beyond SIG.
Dori Mintzer’s Expert’s Series – 4th Tuesday
Revolutionize your Retirement www.RevolutionizeRetirement.com
An impressive line-up of speakers on Dori Mintzer’s 4th Tuesday Interview with Expert’s Series launched on May 22, 2012 as can be seen:
- Kendall Dudley — Travel as a Mirror and a Map
- Alan O’Hare — Honoring the Art of Our Lives
- Carleen MacKay — Working in Wonderland, Part 1
- Keith Lawrence and Alan Spector — Your Retirement Quest
- Bob Weber — Exploring Spiritual Opportunities in the Second Half of Life
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- Kerry Hannon — Strategies for 50+ Job Hunters
- Andrea Gallagher, Mary Radu, Bruce Frankel and Natalie Eldridge — Live Smart After 50!
- Viki Kind — Getting Caregivers to Accept Help
- Marci Alboher — How to Make a Living and Make a Difference in the Second Half of Life
- Bruce Frankel — What Should I Do With the Rest of My Life? and How Dance Can Protect Your Brain
- Lynne and Josh Berrett — Music for an Ageless Mind
- Betsy Werley — The Caring Collaborative
- Jan Hively and Moira Allan — “We are the Ones” — Pass It On!
- Renée Rosenberg — Achieving the Good Life After 50: Tools and Resources for Making it Happen
- Ruth Nemzoff — Don’t Bite Your Tongue and Don’t Roll Your Eyes: Find Ways to Get Along with Adult Children and In-Laws
- Andrea Gallagher — What Do You Know About The Cards You’ve Been Dealt?
- Jan Cullinane — Think We Know How We Think? Think Again!
- Abigail Trafford — New Road-No Rules for Work, Love and Play in the Bonus Decades
- Julie Shifman — Imagine. Then Do It!
- Sallie Felton — Why We Get In Our Own Way Dealing With the 3 Types of Clutter
- Sara Zeff Geber — Fifty-Plus, Minus Kids: The Unique Challenges of “Solo Agers”
- Holly Thomas — Financial Lifestyle Planning
- Kerry Hannon — What’s Next? Meaningful Midlife Job Transitions
- Vic Strecher — On Purpose: Lessons in Healthy Retirement
- John Sorensen from The Conscious Elders Network and Ron Pevny from The Center for Conscious Eldering — The Conscious Eldering Approach
- Denise Archie — Your 5 Keys to Juggling Success for Boomers and Beyond
- Dr Karl Singer — How to Maximize Your Health in the Fourth and Fifth Age
- Elizabeth Fideler — Deciding Not to Retire or to Un-Retire
- Douglas Goldstein — What Investors Don’t See That’s Ruining Their Portfolios, and What They Can Do to Fix It
- David Campbell — Creating, Funding, and Running a Volunteer Organization in Your Third Act
- Robert Laura — No Regrets Retirement Planning: An Empowering Look At Maximizing Retirement’s Opportunities
- Chris Farrell — Retiring to Unretirement
- Suzanne Braun Levine — Revinventing Your Life: Embracing the Second Half of Life
- Jay Goldfarb — Legacy of Wisdom – Making Wisdom a Central Theme of Aging
- Sue Levy — Make Healthy Eating Happen in 2015!
- Kim Porgieter — Planning For No Regrets
- Helen Dennis — Age & Retirement: Some Game Changers
- Alice Aspen March — It’s Never Too Late to Get the Kind of Attention You Need
- Robert Weber, Ph.D. and Carol Orsborn, Ph.D. — The Spirituality of Age
- Roger Landry — Live Long, Die Short: Authentic Health and Successful Aging
- Meg Newhouse. Ph.D. — Legacies of the Heart: Living a Life That Matters
- Mary Tyrrell — From Inception to Retirement: How I Help Elders to Record their Memoirs
- Bob Mauterstock — Passing the Torch: Critical Conversations with Your Adult Children
- Harry “Rick” Moody — Dreams for the Second Half of Life
- Greg Finch — The Art of Creative Caregiving
- Tom Kottke — Positive Health and Well-Being for You and Your Patients
- Bill Sadler — Adult Development IN Aging
- Viki Kind — Caregiving and New Tools to Help Caregivers
- Connie Goldman — Partnerships and Adjustments in Later Life
- Dana Steinova– Memory Training: Developing Confidence in Your Abilities
- George H. Schofield — The Many Faces of Retirement
- 2017 speakers:
- Mitch Anthony — The New Retirementality: Planning your Life and Living your Dreams…at Any Age you Want
- Louis Tenenbaum — Policy, Housing and an Aging Society
- Carolyn Walter, The Retirement/Reinvention Years: Grief, Loss and Transformation
- John C. Robinson – Psychologist, Interfaith Minister, “The Psychology, Spirituality and Mysticism of Conscious Aging.”
- Barbara Shaiman – noted educator, businesswoman ad social entrepreneur, ”Embrace your Legacy Now.”
Guest Experts for Remainder of 2017
- July 25, 2017: Ashton Appelwhite, author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism. In 2016 Ashton was one of the PBS Next Avenue’s annual list of 50 Influencers in Aging as their Influencer of the year. She recently did a Ted Talk in Vancouver, Canada. She’ll focus on confronting ageism.
- August 22, 2017: Jann Freed, business coach with strategic, change management and life planning expertise. Her book is titled Leading with Wisdom: Sage Advice from 100 Experts. Jann will focus on “Leading with Wisdom.”
- Sept 26, 2017: Cynthia R. Green, Ph.D., President and CEO, Total Brain Health and TBH Brands, LLC, will focus on “Total Brain Health as We Age.”
- Oct 24, 2017: Gregg Levoy, author and speaker. His first book was, Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Lifeand his more recent book is Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion. He’ll focus on “The Nature and Nurture of Passion.”
- Nov 28, 2017: TBA
- December 2017: No Interview —enjoy the holidays and join us again on January 23, 2018.