
Richard Adler
United States
The Institute for the Future, is principal of People & Technology, a consulting firm in Silicon Valley. He is also a Distinguished Fellow at the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, California. He has been actively involved in the field of ageing and technology for more than two decades. He currently serves as Chair of Age Friendly Cupertino (part of Age Friendly Silicon Valley) and is a member of the Santa Clara County Senior Care Commission and the Advisory Board for SourceWise, the Santa Clara County Area Agency on Aging.

Kathi Bailey
United States
As Director of Age-Friendly Yarmouth Senior Services, she facilitates the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Community Initiative, emphasizing programs including Intergenerational Model United Nations. She piloted a Youth Council on Aging to promote intergenerational exchanges, and launched a Sister Senior Center pilot to foster intercultural exchange. She has served as a National Council on Aging delegate to Cuba to study healthcare and aging, a Ford Foundation research partner with Zhejiang University in China, and as a member of the National Council on Aging Economic Security team.

Dr. Marie-Anne Brieu
MD, MBA-CPA HEC Paris. Dr. Brieu was Secretary General of ILC-France from 1995 to 2003 and has been the scientific director since then. Previously, she spent two years in cardiology at the Hospital das Clinicas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and since her return to France, she has held various management positions in the pharmaceutical industry.

Helen Dennis
United States
Helen is a nationally recognized leader on issues of aging, employment and the new retirement and is co-founder of Project Renewment®. She has received awards for her teaching at the University of Southern California’s Davis School of Gerontology. Helen writes a weekly newspaper column on “Successful Ageing,” reaching 1.6 million readers. She has assisted over 20,000 employees to prepare for the non-economic aspects of retirement. Helen has been recognized by PBS Next Avenue as one of the 50 top influencers in aging.

Professor François Forette
Director of the International Longevity Centre-France and Professor of internal medicine and geriatrics at the University of Paris V and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Broca Hospital in Paris. She is on the Board of Directors of the French Red Cross and is a Director of the National Foundation for Gerontology. Her main areas of interest and expertise include epidemiology, prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension in the elderly and risk factors for dementia, health systems for the elderly, social integration and the impact of activity on longevity. She is the author of ”La Révolution de la Longevité.”

Dr. Marie-Françoise Fuchs
Honorary President of OLD’UP an association she founded in 2008. She is member of the Law and Freedom Committee of the National Gerontology Federation (FNG) and of the users’ committee of the High Authority on Health, the HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé and CRUQ). Dr. Fuchs is a Doctor of Medicine (University of Paris), psychodramatist, psychotherapist and family therapist. She founded of EGPE (Grandparents School) and grew it to European level. Dr. Fuchs has published several books on grandparenting. She is co-editor of the Old’Up collection that has already published seven books by and about the 75+ population.

Bruce Frankel
United States
Co-President of the Life Planning Network , based in Boston. He is Editor of the LPN-Q quarterly. He is also the editorial director for BSLI Redstring. Bruce is the author of the prize-winning What Should I Do with the Rest of My Life? and the bestselling World War II: History’s Greatest Conflict. Bruce was formerly a national reporter for USA TODAY and a senior writer and editor for People Magazine.

Elizabeth Isele
United States
Founder and CEO, The Global Institute for Experienced Entrepreneurship. Elizabeth is recognized globally as a pioneering senior and intergenerational entrepreneurship expert. Her passion (grounded in data and metrics) to unleash the potential of the 50+ and catalyze experience across generations is boosting economies locally and globally. Senior Fellow in Social Innovation and Executive in Residence, Babson College. Associate Fellow in Global Economics and Finance, Chatham House: The Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Emi Kiyota
Washington DC
Dr. Kiyota is an internationally-recognized environmental gerontologist and organizational culture change specialist. Dr. Kiyota is currently considering how the work she did to empower elders in Japan recover from the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 could provide lessons for empowering elders in the U.S. and elsewhere to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and better prepare for future events. She is the founder and director of Ibasho, an organization that facilitates the co-creation with older adults of socially integrated, sustainable communities that value their elders.

Wendy Mayhew
An entrepreneur for 40 years. She’s co-authored Building Your Dream, a textbook for Canadian colleges and universities. She recently self-published her new book, WISER: The Definitive Guide to Starting a Business After the Age of 50. Her latest company, WISE – Seniors in Business, supports innovators who are starting out later in life. Her experience working with self-employed people has allowed her to recognize a gap in the market: people over the age of 50 comprise the fastest growing group of new entrepreneurs in the world—they’re also the most under-supported and under-served business owners.

Tom Mottl
Community Networks for Aging in Place (CNAP) Alliance

Judy Rough
United States
Judy is Center Manager, responsible for the Senior Planet Center located in Denver, CO which opened in October of 2019. Senior Planet is a program of the non-profit, Older Adults Technology Services (OATS). The center offers technology training to individuals age 60 and over as well as a strong community and social engagement. Training is offered in-person and virtually. Judy is responsible for the physical center, the members, membership, and the volunteers. She has expertise in Zoom video conferencing.