Value of Lifelong Learning
Gene Cohen, MD, PhD: The Aging Brain – A 3-minute You Tube video produced by U.S. News and World Report
Ten Keys to Happier Living – Action for Happiness helps people take action for a happier and more caring world. Members work to increase well-being in their homes, workplaces, schools and local communities. Their vision is a happier world, with fewer people suffering with mental health problems and more people feeling good, functioning well and helping others.
Brain Health – English editions of handbooks from Finland have been published to expand cultural sensitivity and improve memory work with older adults from minority groups. There are four titles: Improving Brain Health, Cultural Sensitivity in Memory Work: Experiences from Finland; and two books of exercises to activate the brain.
Lifelong Learning & Earning – Silvia Zweifel, our Liaison from Argentina, illustrates how much meaning can be added to words on a page when she is seen and heard on this seven-minute video describing the meaning of “Learning for Earning.” As she says, “We have to bring in the earnings that will allow us to celebrate life, locally and globally, in a multigenerational, inclusive society.”
Resolve to Protect your Memory – Give your brain a workout and find 20 great ways to protect your memory in this puzzle from IlluminAge.
Russell Foster: TED Talk – Why Do We Sleep? – The research on light perception hits home as we age — faced with fading vision, we also risk disrupted sleep cycles…
Jill Bolte Taylor: TED Talk – My Stroke of Insight – A blood vessel in Taylor’s brain exploded. She watched as her brain functions shut down: motion, speech, memory…